Directorate Of Economics, Statistics & Monitoring And Evaluation (D.E.S.M.E)

The Directorate of Economics, Statistics, Monitoring and Evaluation (DESM&E) is the apex statistical organization of the state government and is declared as the “Nodal Agency” for all statistical activities in the State. The directorate was initially established as Bureau of Economics and Statistics (BES) in the year 1978. In the year 2004, the organization was upgraded to a directorate and was also bestowed the task of monitoring and evaluation of various schemes.
The Directorate of Economics, Statistics, Monitoring and Evaluation is the states’ central statistical authority both for providing the statistical man power to all the line departments and to guide and advise the state government and its different departments on matters relating to collection, analysis and dissemination of statistics. The directorate also acts as liasion between the State Government and the Central Government on all Statistical matters.