Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services Department

Sikkim is one of the North - Eastern states situated in the Eastern Himalayan region. The state has a varied altitudes ranging from 300 to 700 meters. The state is surrounded by high Himalayan ranges, with international borders on three sides: Tibet in the north and Northeast: Nepal in the west: and Bhutan in the east. The state of West Bengal forms the Sikkim's border in the south.The state has a total geographical area of 7096 square kilometre and is divided into four districts nine subdivisions with 453 revenue blocks, 166 Gram Panchayat and 906 Panchayat wards.
The Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services is one of the important Technical departments of the Government of Sikkim which came into existence as a separate department from April, 1975. The Department is headed by Commissioner cum Secretary under the Charge of Minister of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services and the technical section is headed by Principal Director and two Directors. The district administration is headed by Joint director beside which the department has the technical cells headed by Joint Directors viz: Breeding Cell , Disease Investigation Cell , Feed & Fodder Cell and Extension & Training Cell.