About Us
The State Election Commission of Sikkim was constituted as an independent constitutional body in pursuance of the Seventy Third and Seventy Fourth Amendment of the Constitution of India and is vested with the responsibility for superintendence, direction and control of preparation of electoral rolls for and the conduct of all elections to local bodies in a free and fair manner.
It is the Constitutional duty of the State Election Commission to complete the elections to local bodies before the expiry of the five year term period of its elected members. As of now the secretariat is being manned by the officers and staff recruited and appointed on deputation by the State Government. During the election process ,the required additional man power is requistioned from various departments of the State Government.
Preparation and publication of final ward wise electoral rolls is a pre requisite for election to local bodies. The Commission appoints the District Collectors as Panchayat Electoral Registration Officers and Municipal Electoral Registration Officers for preparation of separate electoral rolls,i.e for Panchayat and Municipality elections.Necessary guidelines and list of programmes in detail are provided to the District Collectors for the assigned tasks. The Commission also appoints Election Observers to ensure that the elections are conducted in a free,fair and in a peaceful manner.
The Commission is vested with the prime responsibility for reorganization and delimitation of both Panchayat and Municipal areas. It is also vested with the responsibility of fixing the reservation of wards for BL, ST, SC, OBC, MBC category and women candidates in consultation with the State Government.
The Model Code of Conduct is enforced during elections for strict compliance to all political parties, candidates and Government departments.