News & Announcement

Cascading Training for Swachha Bharat Mission-Grameen Conducted in Mangan

Date: 10-Feb-2025
Mangan, February 10 (IPR):
A day long cascading training for Swachha Bharat Mission-Grameen (SBM-G) components for the elected representatives from district, block, GPU functionaries and other stakeholders of the district was held at Mangan District Zilla Panchayat Hall, today.
Organised by Rural Development Department, the training was attended by Mr Sherap Bhutia Panchyat President Ringhim Nampatam GPU as the Chairperson of the day, along with Mr Tenzing Bhutia Wash Coordinator, Mr Palzor Lepcha Panchayat Inspector, Ward Panchayats, and officials from Gram Panchayat Units.
The main objective of the training was capacity building for the elected representatives ,GPU functionaries and other stakeholders of the district
Mr Sherap Bhutia in his address highlighted and briefed upon the key points of the training. Stressing upon the IEC (information, education, and communication) a key strategy in SBM-G, he mentioned that IEC promotes sanitation practices, changes social norms, creates awareness and creates attractive public spaces to discourage littering.
He also encouraged the ward panchayats to take initiative and collaborate with other GPUs for improved progress in their work.
Mr Bhutia ended his address by expressing his gratitude towards the trainers for the session.
The training was conducted by Mr Kamal Nath Bhattarai Panchayat Development Assistant-cum-State Master Trainer, Mr Jigmee N Sherpa Panchayat Development Assistant-cum-State Master Trainer and Ms Sankit Lepcha Block Coordinator-cum-Master Trainer.
The trainers gave presentation on various topics including introduction to SBM-G, ODF + (Open Defecation Free) , Waste management, stakeholders and their importance, IEC (information, education, and communication), Grey water management, Climate change and their linkages with ODF+ intervention and Management Information System Portal.