News & Announcement

Gyalshing District prepares for 78th Independence Day Celebrations-2024

Date: 25-Jul-2024
Gyalshing,July 25(IPR): A preparatory meeting for the upcoming District level Independence Day,2024 was held at the Conference hall of District Administrative Centre, Rabdentse, today.
The meeting, chaired by Mr Bhim Hang Limboo Hon'ble Minister-cum- Area MLA, Yangthang constituency, was attended by Ms Yishey D Yongda DC Gyalshing, Mr Tshering Sherpa SP Gyalshing, Ms Tirsang Tamang SDM (HQ), Mr NB Bishwakarma SDM (Gyalshing) along with the District HODs and officials of line departments and representatives of Yangthang Sporting Club.
Keeping the significance of the occasion in mind and getting into the details of the programme, the DC assigned various roles and responsibilities to the line departments regarding the venue, invitation and reception, stage management, publicity, refreshments, seating arrangements, law and order, public safety, water and sanitation,cleanliness, transportation and so forth.
She also urged the departments to work in coordination with each other in order to make the occasion successful.
The Minister in his address applauded all the stakeholders for their efforts in successfully hosting the event and hoped for same zealous participation from them in organizing the upcoming 78th Independence Day celebration.
Further, he called for the cooperation of all to make the event a grand success.
It may be informed that the Inter School/Open Football along with Open / Insterschool Girl’s Basketball tournament will be the main attractions of the entire celebration
During the course of the meeting, various other suggestions and queries were put forth by the attendees.
It may be mentioned here that this year’s Independence Day will be celebrated at Kyongsa Stadium. The celebration will host various cultural and sporting events, including Parade, band display, along with football matches.
It was informed during the meeting that a Meritorious District Level Award will also be a part of the celebrations to recognise and acknowledge the dedication of the deserving employees.
The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the chair.