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Gyalshing district reminisces Adikavi Bhanu Bhakta Acharya on his 210th birth anniversary

Date: 13-Jul-2024
Gyalshing, July 13 (IPR): The 210th birth anniversary of Bhanu Bhakta Acharya was celebrated with much festivity here at the Community Hall situated at Gyalshing Bazar. Mr Bhim Hang Limboo Minister of Building & Housing and Labour departments graced the celebration as the Chief guest.
The auspicious day commenced from
the premises of Bhanu Salig Kyongsa wherein Minister Mr Limboo accompanied by Ms Yishey D. Yongda District Collector Gyalshing-cum- Chairperson Organising Committee, Mr Sonam Wangdi Bhutia ASP Gyalshing, Ms Tirsang Tamang SDM HQ Gyalshing, Mr Kesang Dorjee Bhutia SDPO Gyalshing, Padmashri Mr Kedar Gurung, Mr Rajesh Thapa Deputy Director Education, members of Paschim Sikkim Sahitya Prakashan Gyalshing offered their reverence to Statue of Bhanu Bhakta Acharya.
Thereafter, the daylong celebration was held in the Community Hall situated at Gyalshing Bazar. Upon arrival at the venue ceremonial lighting of the lamp was performed by the esteemed dignitaries.
In his address, Minister Limboo highlighted the achievements of Adikavi Bhanu Bhakta Acharya, particularly his translation of the Ramayana into Nepali. He also congratulated awardees and encouraged collective efforts to elevate literature in the state, mentioning the state government's initiatives to promote literature.
DC Gyalshing-cum-Chairperson Organising Committee extended the welcome address of the celebration and emphasized the significance of the day.
The prestigious SRASTA Awards 2024 were conferred upon Mr. Gyalpo Lama from Kursuong, West Bengal for Poetry, Mr. Bal Ram Dahal from Namthang for Essay, and Mr. Avinash Sanyashi from Arigoun for Story. Additionally, the 87th edition of 'Smriti Vishyasankh' was released in memory of Lt. Upman Basnet.
Meritorious students who excelled in linguistic languages were honoured by the chief guest. Awardees included Ms. Sony Subba of Bermiok Martam Senior Secondary School for Nepali, Mr. Chusong Lepcha of Dentam Sr. Sec School for Lepcha, Ms. Srijana Limboo of Dentam Sr. Sec School for Limboo, and Ms. Dawa Yanki Lepcha of Gyalshing Sr. Secondary School for Bhutia.
The celebration also had colourful performances by the students of Nova Bliss School Tikjuk, Dancers' Heartbeat Academy Gyalshing, Government Senior Secondary School Pelling, Girls Senior Secondary School Kyongsa, Kidzee Globals International School, Government Senior Secondary School Lingchom and Government Senior Secondary School Sakyong.
Students from various schools of the district participated enthusiastically, showcasing ethnic performances, recitations from the Ramayana, and presenting poems, essays, and stories.
The event saw the participation of the Bhanu Jayanti Celebration Committee, teachers, students from nearby schools and colleges and the general public.
Earlier, at the All India Nepali Literary Studies and Research Centre in Kyongsa, in-charge Mr. Om Prakash Ghatani and the centre's staff paid their respects to Adikavi by lighting a lamp in front of his portrait.