News & Announcement

Namchi district conducts coordination meeting for household survey under Sikkim INSPIRES and IEIAP

Date: 03-Feb-2025
Namchi, February 3(IPR):
Namchi district conducted a coordination meeting cum orientation for focus group discussion and household survey under Sikkim Integrated Services Provision & Innovation for Reviving Economics (INSPIRES) and Integrated Economic Inclusion Action Plan (IEIAP) at the Officers’ Club, today.
The meeting was chaired by Ms Anupa Tamling (DC Namchi) cum Chairperson IEIAP. She was accompanied by Mr Subash Ghimirey ADC( HQ) Namchi, Dr CP Rai ADC (Dev) Namchi, Mr Sunil Mothey ADC (Dev) Ravangla and HoOs from the line departments, elected members and representatives from various associations.
While addressing the meeting, the DC emphasised the importance of collaboration and strategic planning in the execution of the Sikkim INSPIRES project. She also expressed her gratitude to the State’s government for Sikkim INSPIRES projects hugely funded by World Bank and State government. She further highlighted the role of the teams conducting Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and urged them to assess the projects thoroughly while identifying the strengths, weaknesses and any overlapping efforts that indicates a focus on efficiency and maximising the benefits for the Namchi district.
The DC also encouraged for the team to work efficiently and motivated them to take on the responsibility and make a tangible impact on the district's growth and development.
Mr Sunil Mothey ADC(Dev) Ravangla , in his welcome address provided a comprehensive overview of the Sikkim INSPIRES programme and highlighted both its objectives and the planning process. He underlined that this programme aims to promote entrepreneurship and employment through financial, technical, and entrepreneurship through non-farm and off-farm sectors.
Dr CP Rai ADC (Dev) Namchi highlighted on the importance of conduction of FGDs and highlighted that it plays a crucial role in understanding the issues at the grassroots levels.
Similarly, Ms Anupama Rai Deputy Secretary Ravangla provided the proper guidelines for questionnaire as to how the facilitators should handle the FGDs in terms of ensuring proper confidentiality and adherence to rules for elected representatives, community based organisations, women, youth and entrepreneurs.
Ms Asenla Bhutia Panchayat Inspector discussed about the employment and enterprise survey which is based on youth, women employment. She further provided the guidance on questionnaires for household survey and detailed about the enumerators.
The meeting also included open house discussion which was followed by the vote of thanks proposed by Mr Sagar Rai Deputy Director NDZP Namchi.