News & Announcement

Screening at Mangan

Date: 14-Apr-2021
Mangan, April 14 (IPR): Following the decisions made at the District Task Force meeting (North) held in the chamber of the District Collector’s (North) office at Mangan, yesterday, to curb the rise of covid positive cases, the health department (North) in coordination with the Police Department (North) began the screening process for vehicles carrying tourists into the District. Officials from the health and police department have been deputed at Kabi PHSC to carry out the screening, reporting and providing assistance for medical facilities (in case of positive cases). If any person is found to be symptomatic, they will be taken to the nearest PHC for RAT test.
Similarly, another screening and checking process will begin tomorrow at Dikchu PHC.
May be an image of one or more people, people sitting, motorcycle, tree and road