News & Announcement

Women Child Senior Citizen and Person with Disabilities Welfare Development Department prepared a Sensitisation program at Yangang BAC.

Date: 01-Feb-2025
Namchi, Febuary 1 (IPR):
A Sensitisation Programme on Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizen Act 2007 and
awareness programme on menstrual hygiene under Beti Bachao Beti Padhao was organised by Women, Child, Senior Citizen, and Person with Disabilities Welfare Development Department at Yangang Block Administrative Centre (BAC), today.
The program had the presence of Ms Som Lachi Rai, Zilla Panchayat Lingmo Paiyong and Lingi Sokpay as a chief guest, Ms Prem Doma Tamang Zilla Panchayat, Mr Bhagirath Tiwari Panchayat President, Ms Joshna Subba Vice Panchayat President, Ms Kaushila Chettri Vice Panchayat President, Mr Kumar Sharma Advocate, Ms Sophia Lepcha Nodal Officer BBBP cum AD Nutrition, Ms Smriti Rai Probation Officer, DCPO Unit, Ms Manjana Limboo, Health Councillor Yangang PHE, Ms Sangita Gurung Centre Administrator, One Stop Centre, along with the members of HUB for Empowerment of Women, ICDs and Anganwadi.
The chief guest, in her speech expressed gratitude towards the department for organising an enlightening sensitisation program that encompasses a wide range of topics and offers substantial information to the audience.
Futhermore she, emphasised that by conducting such programs, we not only raise public awareness but also educate teenagers through real-life experiences, guiding them towards making better choices for their future. By being informed about various cases and situations, individuals can gradually contribute to the upliftment of society by adhering to the law.
Ms Sophia Lepcha briefed the gathering about the vital objectives, benefits and results of the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) scheme, which was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2015, which aims to protect and educate the girl child, focusing on improving their health, nutrition, and safety, implementing its main theme to combat gender based discrimination, improve the declining sex ratio, and ensure the safety and education of girls child.
Mr kumar Sharma, highlighted about the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act 2007, which is an Indian law aimed at providing financial and emotional support to elderly individuals who are above the age of 60 year, which mandates that children and heirs are responsible for the maintenance of their aging parents, protecting them from abuse and neglect.
Additionally, he also said that the law ensures that senior citizens have the right to seek maintenance from their children, and it sets up a mechanism for filing complaints if they are neglected or denied support, which is notably efficient and straightforward. This process requires merely the completion of a form, followed by a ruling issued by the Magistrate, thereby circumventing the protracted procedures typically associated with standard court sessions that can be time consuming.
Ms Sangita Gurung Centre Administrator, addressed the gathering about the establishment of One Stop Center (OSC) in 2017 under the Women and Child Development Department, to provide 24-hour support to women, including police assistance, medical care, a five-day emergency shelter, psychosocial counseling, and legal aid.
In her address, she also discussed the issues of teenage pregnancy and underage marriages and briefed the gathering about types of domestic voilences as mental, emotional, physical abuse and about sexual harrassment.
Ms Manjana Limboo, Health Councillor Yangang PHE, addressed the audience regarding gender sensitisation of boys and men. She also discussed the patriarchal society of today and the customs that still exist within it. She also emphasised that gender equality should be practiced from one's own home because children's minds are highly impressionable and quick to pick up on behaviors, whether positive or negative, and it can be difficult to reverse the negative effects later in life.
In addition, she discussed pregnancy, adolescent pregnancy, postpartum depression, and the importance of regular counseling sessions as well as follow-up appointments because people's physical and mental health are changing along with time and environment.
Ms Smriti Rai briefed on the POSCO Act which addresses the child sexual abuse but also includes important sections concerning issues like early child marriage and teenage pregnancy.
Moreover, She ahighlighted on the JJ Act (Juvenile Justice) 2015, which involves two types of children, CNCP (Child in Need of Care and Protection) and CICL (Child in Conflict with Law).
Additionally, She also spoke about Child Welfare Communities, which provide shelter, education and medical care to children, and about Section 21 of the Indian Penal Code on non-reporting, which provides punishment for failure to report crimes against children.
In celebration of the 10th anniversary of "Beti Bachao Beti Padhao," the Yangang subdivision provided information about the 24-hour Child Helpline number 1098 and the Women Helpline number 181. Also in order to improve the safety and well-being of elderly persons, monitoring devices were provided to them so they could self-sufficiently keep an eye on their health.