Press Release

Press Release from Sikkim Olympic Association

Information & Public Relations Department

Date: 14-Jul-2024
Sikkim Olympic Association held its Annual General Meeting on the 14th of July 2024 in the Conference Hall of Hotel Retreat, Gangtok. The meeting was attended by the Executive Body Members of Affiliated Sports Associations. The meeting discussed and passed the resolutions on (1) Confirmation of the minutes of the meeting held on 4th June 2023and annual report 2023-24, (2) Development Plans for the promotion of Sports and conduction of District & State Games, 4th North East Games, and 38th National Games, Uttarakhand, (3) Affiliation of Cycling Association of Sikkim and (4) Audited Finacial Report 2023-24. The General Secretary of Sikkim Olympic Association Mr Jas Lal Pradhan ( Arjuna Awardee) extended a warm welcome to all the Executive Body Members and presented the Annual Report 2023-24. The House observed a minute silence on the sad demise of Mr Thakur Rai, a renowned footballer of the state. At the outset, the President of Sikkim Olympic Association Mr Kuber Bhandari extended heartiest congratulations and best wishes to Hon’ble Chief Minister for the second term of the Government. The meeting unanimously rejoiced the victory of the Hon’ble Chief Minister and the inclusion of Sports in the 9 Guarantees of Golay. The President initiated the discussions on the development of Sports in the State and emphasized planning by the Associations for the Sikkim Olympic Mission and Sikkim to develop as a Sports Hub in the country as given in 9 Guarantees of Golay. The various proposals were laid by the Sports Associations in the house for infrastructure and grants to the sports associations. The meeting resolved to submit a consolidated proposal to the Hon’ble Chief Minister. The Annual General Meeting was conducted by Mr CS Subba, Vice President, as Master of Ceremony and vote of thanks by Mr Sangay Palzang Bhutia, Executive Member.
Bidhan Ballav Subba
Joint Secretary
Sikkim Olympic Association